Life has been cruel yet exciting for me.
Yes, people tends to think that I am such a easy going, cheerful and yada-yada lady, but they dont know that within me, there are layers of bad behavior; such as: tukang complaint, drama queen, dll.
I cant believe that i'm resigning from my position of Front Desk Agent soon, as this is the last week in the hotel. However, my boss took the happiness out of me. She cancelled my Off day which is on this Friday and ask me to work. Sampai titik penghabisan gw kerja dsini HARUS gitu yah di peras ampe darah2 terakhir? I'M TIRED. Friggin tired *sigh*
Anyway, note of the day: Thanks God, udah buat si Ibu Liza dari Oso Group bayar USD212, soalnya kalo dia ga transfer tuh duit, errrrr, gaji gw yg ga seberapa ini di ambil buat bayar :_) (terharu abis)