Sunday, July 27, 2008

a mess?

Ce amel (teman ce nini) datang buat jalan2 k KL dari kamis kmrn,
setelah nemenin dia jalan2 ke KL seharian kemarin n ampe tadi siang masih ke pyramid, gw ama c mon2 udh cuaapeekkk puooll! badan ini lo rasanya kayak udh mau patah jadi dua.
having fun these 2 days n forgetting all bad things!

siang tadi abis nganter c amel naik taxi buat ke airport, suddenly teman-satu-lagi telpon gw, n nanya; "yo, lu dimane? semua orang pada nyariin lu nih buat food testing!" gw bener2 no comment! ga da yang kasi tau hari ini mau food testing. so, gw bisa jawab apa lagi selain gw yang masi di rumah n mau siap2 buat ke gereja. then, temen itu ngomong; "lu ketua sih, tapi kalo ngga ada lu juga nih food testing tetep jalan!" hell yeah, jalan-in aja food testing! gw ngga ngelarang kok, mmg betul kok ngga ada gw lu bisa buat food testing but hellooowww give me some respect please!

2days ago, friday, break between wong heng san class n dr sree
i just pretend to do not care and not to know bout it, ceritanya tuh gini: si pendek-putih cerita everything about entrepreneurship to teman gw yang duduk d samping dia. hmm, am i invisible? *just wondering* soal itu mungkin gak ush d bahas lah. mungkin emang gw nya yang ngga cocok jadi leader di entrepreneurship ini. gw emang udh mulai ini dengan kesalahan, ex: nuker david dengan bob. well, seperti kata temen: evrything happens 4 a reason

back to today,
ternyata hari ini di fresh,fgcc tuh ada acara ACTIVE yang ternyata gw udh tau tp gw lupa. abis kebaktian, gw monde renny ompong ngobrol ama ko epi ttg masa depan, dimana gw sadar kalo ternyata gw belum tau sama sekali mau jadi apa sih gw ntarnya? working in a hotel? or a company? as a what? duh.. bener2 yah kalo ngomong ttg masa depan ama ko epi tuh TOP banget! berjam-jam n bener2 buka pikiran kita ttg apa yang harus kita ambil dan gimana cara mencapai masa depan yang kita inginkan.

gw harus banyak merenung nih ttg masa depan gw, i mean, gw harus tau donk gw mau jadi apa nantinya, mau kerja dimana, n bagaimana. so, before it's too late, gw bener2 have no idea mau jadi apa.

kitchen? em no thanks
front office? seru juga tapi tension nya ngga tahan
f&b service? duh ngga ding, males aja jadi waiter!
sales n marketing? well, nilai kuliah gw buat pelajaran ini sih bener2 desperate n need help here
event organizer? seru juga. tapi apa memang benar itu?

up until now, gw masi harus memikirkan mau jadi apa sih gw? then, gw bisa tentuin gw mau degree jurusan apa.
i think for now, that is enough!
i just need to think what i want to be, then i will search what subject should i take for degree

however today is not a mess or bad at all!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

what do u mean by friendship?

Kata Pak Wikipedia;
Friendship is a term used to denote co-operative and supportive behavior between two or more beings. They will also engage in mutually helping behavior, such as exchange of advice and the sharing of hardship.
A friend is someone who may often demonstrate reciprocating and reflective behaviors. Yet for many, friendship is nothing more than the trust that someone or something will not harm them.

setelah gw membaca ini; gw bahkan ngga percaya kebenaran kalimat2 itu sama sekali; at least until now! coz they hurted me over and over again and even didnt realize bout it. damn it! zut!

teman once again menyakiti gw lagi, ampe kapan sih mau ngelukain gw mulu? ngga bosan huh?
tadi waktu gw jalan pulang bareng temen gw inisial 'sct' , sct dengan santai nya ngomong ke gw, semua gosip2 yang udah dia denger dari semua orang ttg gw! can u imagine it?? geezz!
yohanna is such a perfectionist, such an egois girl, nyari orang kalo lagi butuh aja, de el el.
well, can u see how i really desperate not to continue my degree in this taylors college or should i say hell?

Saturday, July 19, 2008

im back

after awhile, finally gw balik lagi buat nulis2 d blog gw yang udh ampir 1 tahun lebih gw lupain..fiuh...
well, pasti pada heran napa gw bisa mule blogging lagee..
soalnya gw tuh have no idea about what to do for today..

kmrn kamis ce nini udah back for good n i was like 'what??!!! cepet banget sih waktu berlalu?' mana gw kamis kmrn ada kelas kitchen lagi ampe malam getu.. so i couldnt mlepaskan keberangkatan dia.. T.T so sad..
we used to be together for the whole time of my college life and now i am alone with no one besides me and still continue-ing my term 5 and 6..

i should have been stronger!