Thursday, November 13, 2008

♥ the princesses coffee house number one ♥

Menurut Bapak Wikipedia, arti coffee house itu : an establishment which primarily focus on providing coffee and tea as well as light snacks (pastries)

we dream of having one
wish that wish will come true

we researched
talk to chef chong
talk to mr murad

we pray
asking God's way to be opened

From Mudslide turn out to The Portrait

Indonesia or overseas
in a mall or not
all doesn't matter
what matter now is money

mau dpat darimana tuh duit?
nyolong getu?
haha =]

trus tadi ngobrol ama Mr Murad, and dia bilang ttg friendship have a possibility of splitting up in a business. hmm. hope that will not happen to us.

we did a pinky swear!
promise to talk when anything happens,
promise not to undemontrative


Meilani said...

may I be the first customer..

B o B o B z said...

haha gw setuju ama si murad!

emang friendship can split up when it comes to business...

MONEY is a TERRIBLE THING when it comes to SHARE / BUSINESS!!!hahahaha

btw lu mo buka apaan? ama siapa?