Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Welcome Term 6

Yup.. seperti kata subject nya! gw udh term 6, meaning i hv been studyin here for 1 year and 10 mths.. My God! cepet banget... but still 1 year to go for degree.. kok kerasa lama yah,, bawaan nya pengen cepet kerja.. hahaha, padahal aku nih belum mulai even a single letter ngebuat TIS.. gilaaaa!!!! ga ada mood nih buatnya.. parah,, padahal ntar senin alias 5 hari lagi aku harus ngumpulin draft nya...

kmrn liburan term 5 abis jalan2 dari Singapore.. though no money but yet i went there.. haha,, dengan tambahan duit dollar Spore dari Toni, my cute lil bro,, hahaha did i mention cute?? actual meaning not small portion or anything called le petit,, hahaha uuuppsss sorryy Toni =)

these are some pictures of me and friends going Singapore

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

apa yang saya cari, terima kasih