Saturday, December 20, 2008


sesuai judul posting kali ini,
gw mau ngumumin kalo finally gw lulus!
dengan catatan "very honourable pass"

memang gw udh tebak gw cuman dapat vhp, soalnya pas ujian kemaren mmg gw belum kasi all the best =[
workshops gw gagal
ujian paper sih lumayan
so sad
padahal ngidam nya yang very honourable pass with congratz from jury

tapi ya suw
apa bole buat
that was the result of what i have done for 2 weeks of final exam!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Trial Exam

well, aku jadi ikut2an bobby aka bencong dhe
awalnya sih ngga mau nulis hasil trial exam kemaren,
but then i was inspired by my friend =]

1. HMCS paper (4subjects)
aku ngga bisa sales and marketing & HR *as usual*
kalo hitung2an, i think i made some mistakes

2. TCS paper (3subjects)
i switched between vodka and gin *arrggghh* which lead to mistakes in the next number huhuhuhuhu
purchasing, cant do the 2nd number, i forgot it!
kitchen, cant do those damn question!

3. applied science
i have done my best, and i think there are so many mistakes

4. Environment
writing 800 words was quite easy but the thing is that i can not develop the idea! huhuhu

5. Kitchen
got chicken, mousseline, vegetable puree *yaayyy*
was praised for the taste of my pumpkin puree =]
but i forgot to put the green leaves *shoootttt!*
and for the imposed dish i got gratinated filled crepes *bener ga sih ini namanya? lupa.. auk ahhh* -> komi ku yang buat jadi best nyeeee

6. Workshops
1 - Ms Linda for Childhood education conference, wasnt nervous but i jump here jump there haha =]
2 - Mr joaquim for fruit carving for vip guest *yaaayy*
3 - Mr Khairool for identifying glassware and polishing, praised for the interesting training session but i did bad in the product knowledge, as i mentioned the neck for the stem *shoot*
4 - Mr Murad for fruit carving, well i did very bad in here, i forgot to ask critical question, as i have finished the session in 15 mins, whereby usually is 30 mins huhuhuhu

7. Malay listening and oral
damn, i screwed up my Malay!!!!

this is it!!

result on tuesday at 5pm
hope to get good result ♥

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


i am confused...
with myself
with my friends
with them

kenapa sih dunia ini aneh?

1st him:
kenapa sih dia berubah?
dia kok jadi baik ama aku?
remember my last few posts subjected 'dia'?

another him:
aku kok jadi semakin ilfeel ama him #2.
him #2 is nice, is polite, is gentle,
and also
is so mysterious

up to now, him baru 2 orang
jangan nambah dhe,
bikin pusing
haha =]

Thursday, November 27, 2008


finally saat2 yang dtunggu ama semua org hampir tiba yaitu EXAM!
exam kali ini ga sembarang exam,
ini final exam cuy,,
dmana hasil usaha kita selama 2 tahun akhirnya d tentukan sekarang..
trus hasil ini 100 % lagee
aku takut!
seorang yohanna takut?
God please help me !!

exam dari tanggal 1 ampe 5 desember 08 = TRIAL EXAM (nilai term 6)
exam dari tanggal 10 ampe 19 desember 08 = FINAL EXAM (lulus ngga nya aku!)

anyone reading this now must pray hard for me! okay =]
God bless!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

weird thing occurred

hari ini minggu (23 Nov 08)
pagi ke gereja CKK, after mass, we went to pyramid by taxi (as usual), in the taxi, something wierd happened;

taxi driver (indian) greeted us "thank you for taking mu taxi" which i found quite awkward bcoz taxi drivers here are crazy, they thought they are in the Formula 1 Racing, drive fast like crazy. but after greeted us, this taxi driver didnt drive that fast.

he even told us stories about him being hit a lottery; (plot mundur) well, he is a Hindustan, but he always goes to a church in Penang every year (feast 26July) Perhaps this church is called St. Anne , located in Bukit mertajam, St Anne is Mother Mary's mother. And ppl going there to celebrate the birth of the Mother Mary, after going there often ppl get miracles.
but one time he couldnt go there bcoz no money. and he said silently "Sorry Mother Mary, this year i wont be able to visit You" Then at a night, this taxi driver dream of the Mother came to him and said "son, you have to go there"
wake up from his dream, he went to his friend and asked for some money, nd his friend gave him RM100 for him to go to this church.

after going to this church, this man went back to KL and he hit lottery worth RM18000. wow! such a big amount! wow wow wow. then arriving Sunway Pyramid, this man said "thank you" again??!!?? how weird isnt it?

First thing when i heard his story i remember the plan for The Portrait. i want to go there! pray for this plan and also pray for my family esp my father who have worked very hard for us! really proud of him but also pity him!

PS i know yoshie and lioe are going to be mad at me coz im the one who cant go there now. hmm.. no idea.. my mom is my everything.. i am such a good daughter ya know.. i know sorry wont solve this.. but promise will go there next 26 july, how is it?

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


kenapa sih dia selalu dihubungkan ama aku?

dulu, aku memang lumayan dekat ama dia. notice the word 'lumayan'. meaning not too close and not too far either.

a year ago dia seemed to be 'menjaga jarak' dari aku. menjaga jarak yang bener2 bikin aku kesel banget. sampe aku pernah kepikir "ih nih anak kok gitu sih?". up to now perhaps.

months ago, my friends confirm their name as 'cupid' in their middle name. u know what does it mean, arent u?

today, one of my friend wrote silly on the desk that i like dia. *am i?* of course my answer will be a big NO! how can i like dia, if i have never been in love? *i wonder how n why*

today, my other friend, say that i would be a perfect for dia.

when will be the end of this?

i mean dia is really not my type at all and so im not dia's type.

PS: today i submitted my TIS *umm i mean yesterday* as now is 1.23AM, hopefully everything gonna be alrite ♥

and also would like to tell ya, that 'pencerahan baru' doesnt seem to be one anymore, he has bad habits huh *ilfeel*

Sunday, November 16, 2008

anakku bukan anakku

After reading Mei's blog. I've decided to have one =]

baby ♥

so this is mine, named Mignone (baca: minyo)
*france translation = cutie*

♥ Yohanna & Gabe ♥

*jd malu*

hehe =]

Description of Mignone:
1. great singer *takes after her dad aka Gabe*
2. smart *takes after me perhaps haha =]* just kidding~

PS. i carried her not until 9 mths 10 days but only 9 mins 10 sec

haha =]

Thursday, November 13, 2008

♥ the princesses coffee house number one ♥

Menurut Bapak Wikipedia, arti coffee house itu : an establishment which primarily focus on providing coffee and tea as well as light snacks (pastries)

we dream of having one
wish that wish will come true

we researched
talk to chef chong
talk to mr murad

we pray
asking God's way to be opened

From Mudslide turn out to The Portrait

Indonesia or overseas
in a mall or not
all doesn't matter
what matter now is money

mau dpat darimana tuh duit?
nyolong getu?
haha =]

trus tadi ngobrol ama Mr Murad, and dia bilang ttg friendship have a possibility of splitting up in a business. hmm. hope that will not happen to us.

we did a pinky swear!
promise to talk when anything happens,
promise not to undemontrative

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

pencerahan baru

lately, i've found someone who is likely to be one of my type..
besides kakak sepupunya Yoshie who seems to be 90% of my type!
bayangin boooooo... 90% tuh... ckckck... emang sih dia almost perfect!!!
and the other one, apart from his attitude and not-so-clever, 50% of his appearance is to be the type of man i'd like to be with..
haha =] susah banget yah nyari cowo yang ok zaman skrg,, 50% ketemu aja udah "syukur2 puji Tuhan Halleluya Amin!"
gaya banget kata2 lu na,,

Tanya: sbenernya yohanna suka ama cowo yg kayak gimana sih?
Jawab: nah..ini soal yang gampang banget d jawab.. aku mau yang kayak superman aka Clark Kent haha =]

Tanya: perfect nya menurut Yohanna tuh yang kayak gimana sih?
Jawab: waduh.. kalo d ceritain skrg mah,, kayaknya panjang dhe jadinya blog aku kali ini... haha =]

Tanya: haha =] gapapa kok.. pengen tau aja.. kasi tau donk..
Jawab: beneran nih mau tau? buat cowo2 yang baca bener2 no offense lho.. trus WARNING ga semua yang lu baca itu sama dengan cewe lain punya kriteria..

1. HARUS seiman
kenapa harus seiman? soalnya sudah d buktikan, kalo ga seiman itu susah banget untuk garansi buat life span nya,, kan menikah itu seumur hidup mbak,,

2. HARUS wangi and rapi (style baju)
bah,, mana ada cewe yang mau deket ama cowo yang bau n baju nya ga jelas gmana getuuu.. gak usah norak2 dhe bajunya,,a basic fashionable man is just enough =]

3. HARUS pekerja keras
nah,, yang ini penting banget,, kalo ga suka kerja gmn donk nasib kita para cewe? masa cewe yang harus kerja keras,, nope, ini ga sama dengan MATERIAL GIRL, ini tuh artinya cowo tuh harus bisa kerja nyari duit, bukannya kerja ngabisin duit XP

4. HARUS pinter
hmm.. buat aku tuh.. cowo aku mmg harus pinter bahkan lebih pinter dari aku.. yah kan ga lucu kalo org idiot yang jadi cowo aku?? haha =]

5. cukup sampe dsini dulu,, masi ada sih bbrp points lagi yang belum aku tulis.. to be continued until unknown time..

Thursday, November 6, 2008

hell kitchen

hari ini tuh bener2 absolutely the unluckiest day of my life!
aku cerita mulai dari pagi dulu ya..

pagi2 aku harus ke sekolah soalnya jam 9 ada kelas tambahan buat kitchen. For you information, aku ga bisa masak fine dining, jadi kita harus ngadain kelas tambahan bagi org yang bego setengah idiot kayak gw ini =[

then rencananya mau ikutan clinique talkshow demi mendapatkan clinique's item worth RM200,, can you imagine betapa senangnya hatiku waktu daftar ikutan nih talkshow!!!!
But then, nih talkshow mundur dari yang harus nya jam 3 ampe ke jam 3.30,, oh shoot! aku kan ada kelas kitchen jam 5 yang-dimana-udah-harus-nongol-jam4-buat-bersih2!
Akhirnya batal deh ikutan nih talkshow yang juga berarti batal mendapatkan barang gratisan. huhuhu... Clinique gitu lho!

Then, kelas kitchen sore jam 5 berlangsung dengan station kitchen yang surprise menu which doesnt look surprise at all..Aircond nya mati alias panas-serasa-neraka!!! disuruh potong chicken into 4 pieces dilanjut dengan white stew yang aku-sama-sekali-ga-tau-tentang-keberadaan-makanan-itu and d lanjut dengan cooking of potato~~~~
Starter makanan hari ini tuh Gateau Saint Honore yang sebenarnya enak banget, tapi susah buat. Nah masalahnya itu, aku dapat komi anak term 2 *thx lo Maria n Cory atas bantuannya* walaupun tetep aja aku yang panikan ga jelas! You know term 2 itu saat dimana mereka baru aja mulai kelas pastry! huhuhuhu.. meaning mereka belum pernah buat ini sama sekali yang berlanjut dengan menambahkan kesusahan n kepanikan diriku!

Alhasil = gateau saint honore aku gagal total dengan catatan 'menjatuhkan shortcrust pastrynya ke lantai kitchen yang membuat itu patah* well, fortunately, chef chong (my lovely lecturer for kitchen) not on the spot, and unfortunately, Maria Josephine Herrena aka Yoshie menertawakan diriku~ huhuhuhu,,, nah lanjut ke bagian fortunately dulu ya,, si Chef Chong ini kan ga ada, jadi gw secepat guntur, mengambil pecahan2 kue ini n membentuk kembali di piring.. as if it never drop down! haha =]
lho kok aku ketawa? lucu aja sih.. soalnya itu saat2 aku panik over over and over again.. n tangan ku melepuh kena panasnya api T_T how bad is it? it marks a 'nike' tatoo over my right hand ...

===> 'nike' tatoo
===> afyi = timbul boo tatoo ini T_T

selese kelas kitchen,, kita semua kena marah ama chef chong.. oh iya lupa ceritain nih,aku tadi buang butter yang hanya seitik kecilnya n ketauan n kena marah ama chef chong.... fiuh.. really feel sorry but then he said "you always say sorry to me" ckckckcck... harusnya d maapin donk...

barusan aku telpon mama, betapa sedihnya hati ini... T_T complaining was my idea but then realize it's not a good one waktu mama bilang menyesal kalo masukin aku ke Taylor's hospitality. But everything happened for a good reason, right?? *menghibur diri*

after all, today is still the unluckiest day ever happened in my life

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

uang =]

well,, seperti tertera d subject gw!
hahaha =]
aku yang kmrn sempet bokek, proudly i say i am bokek no more =]
inget kan yang gw buat project entrepreneurship,,
akhirnya uang nya balik ke kita hahahahXD
lumayan lah buat nabung =]

i cant stop my hand typing those smiling face!
coz i am now!
hahahaha =]

Thursday, October 16, 2008


Proudly I present my term 5 grade =)
well, walaupun aku bukan sekuat tenaga berusaha untuk belajar d term 5 ini.. ternyata hasilnya not bad, still can make mam n dad happy though...

Terus untuk entrepreneurship B2B yang aku n yoshie buat dengan susah payah ternyata tidak sia2 hahaha =D meaning we got 36 over 40 for that business plan hahahaha

Thanks God for everything!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Welcome Term 6

Yup.. seperti kata subject nya! gw udh term 6, meaning i hv been studyin here for 1 year and 10 mths.. My God! cepet banget... but still 1 year to go for degree.. kok kerasa lama yah,, bawaan nya pengen cepet kerja.. hahaha, padahal aku nih belum mulai even a single letter ngebuat TIS.. gilaaaa!!!! ga ada mood nih buatnya.. parah,, padahal ntar senin alias 5 hari lagi aku harus ngumpulin draft nya...

kmrn liburan term 5 abis jalan2 dari Singapore.. though no money but yet i went there.. haha,, dengan tambahan duit dollar Spore dari Toni, my cute lil bro,, hahaha did i mention cute?? actual meaning not small portion or anything called le petit,, hahaha uuuppsss sorryy Toni =)

these are some pictures of me and friends going Singapore

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Back to Basic

A food business reflected from Entrepreneurship project.

Ceritanya nih, kita 1 group of 8 orang jualan makanan. Selling
RM 600 voucher within 2 days (rabu, kamis),
and now hari sabtu ngumpulin tenaga buat 3 minggu kedepan.
Fiuh... belum jualan aja udh kerasa capek nya... God give me Your power to handle this group's project of Yours.

Aku udh post comment2 ke friendster orang2, udh pasang di mading2, trus udh juga pasang di facebook.

Kirim e-mail kasi lecturer, eh ternyata di kasi warning ama Mr. Murad, one of the best lecturer, kalo ternyata cara penulisan e-mail gw salah.. -.-" swt. akhirnya gw perbaiki tuh email n re-send lagi.. and dapat immidiate answer kalo udh better. hahaha just learned from mistake.

Tuhan moga2 berhasil yah penjualan ini n mendapatkan profit paling gedhuueeeee. And Tuhan tutup bungkus ini group biar jangan ada perpecahan di antara kita, biar kita boleh menjadi solid! Amin.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

i really need a 'sahabat' yang bener2 mendukung gw banget.. fiuh..

hari ini makan bareng renny di thai"
hmm.. ternyata gw ama renny tuh mirip banget!!
kita berdua sama":
1. perfectionist
2. a planner banget!
3. cermat intim
4. facing similar problem
de el el...

tadi ngobrol berduaan ama renny berjam2
ckckck... dari jam 8 getu ampe jam 12.. seru juga.. jadi tukeran cerita gitu dhe... yeah walaupun dia punya condition better than mine. anyway glad to have her by myside. at least for now. ^o^

Sunday, August 3, 2008

i don't care what THEY said and i'm not in love with YOU

seru juga dengan kalimat ini.
si lioe ternyata ketiban masalah yang sama dengan gw about 'enemy' hahaha...
gw sih cuek ajah.. capek sih ngurusin si enemy.. mau baikan eh malahan dia nyuekin gw.. ckckck..
that's why I care nothing about him!
yoshie punya pm di msn; i dont care what they said and i know you guys are not in love with the same guy!
lioe punya pm di fs; i dont care what they said, im not in love with u and behave youself

Sunday, July 27, 2008

a mess?

Ce amel (teman ce nini) datang buat jalan2 k KL dari kamis kmrn,
setelah nemenin dia jalan2 ke KL seharian kemarin n ampe tadi siang masih ke pyramid, gw ama c mon2 udh cuaapeekkk puooll! badan ini lo rasanya kayak udh mau patah jadi dua.
having fun these 2 days n forgetting all bad things!

siang tadi abis nganter c amel naik taxi buat ke airport, suddenly teman-satu-lagi telpon gw, n nanya; "yo, lu dimane? semua orang pada nyariin lu nih buat food testing!" gw bener2 no comment! ga da yang kasi tau hari ini mau food testing. so, gw bisa jawab apa lagi selain gw yang masi di rumah n mau siap2 buat ke gereja. then, temen itu ngomong; "lu ketua sih, tapi kalo ngga ada lu juga nih food testing tetep jalan!" hell yeah, jalan-in aja food testing! gw ngga ngelarang kok, mmg betul kok ngga ada gw lu bisa buat food testing but hellooowww give me some respect please!

2days ago, friday, break between wong heng san class n dr sree
i just pretend to do not care and not to know bout it, ceritanya tuh gini: si pendek-putih cerita everything about entrepreneurship to teman gw yang duduk d samping dia. hmm, am i invisible? *just wondering* soal itu mungkin gak ush d bahas lah. mungkin emang gw nya yang ngga cocok jadi leader di entrepreneurship ini. gw emang udh mulai ini dengan kesalahan, ex: nuker david dengan bob. well, seperti kata temen: evrything happens 4 a reason

back to today,
ternyata hari ini di fresh,fgcc tuh ada acara ACTIVE yang ternyata gw udh tau tp gw lupa. abis kebaktian, gw monde renny ompong ngobrol ama ko epi ttg masa depan, dimana gw sadar kalo ternyata gw belum tau sama sekali mau jadi apa sih gw ntarnya? working in a hotel? or a company? as a what? duh.. bener2 yah kalo ngomong ttg masa depan ama ko epi tuh TOP banget! berjam-jam n bener2 buka pikiran kita ttg apa yang harus kita ambil dan gimana cara mencapai masa depan yang kita inginkan.

gw harus banyak merenung nih ttg masa depan gw, i mean, gw harus tau donk gw mau jadi apa nantinya, mau kerja dimana, n bagaimana. so, before it's too late, gw bener2 have no idea mau jadi apa.

kitchen? em no thanks
front office? seru juga tapi tension nya ngga tahan
f&b service? duh ngga ding, males aja jadi waiter!
sales n marketing? well, nilai kuliah gw buat pelajaran ini sih bener2 desperate n need help here
event organizer? seru juga. tapi apa memang benar itu?

up until now, gw masi harus memikirkan mau jadi apa sih gw? then, gw bisa tentuin gw mau degree jurusan apa.
i think for now, that is enough!
i just need to think what i want to be, then i will search what subject should i take for degree

however today is not a mess or bad at all!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

what do u mean by friendship?

Kata Pak Wikipedia;
Friendship is a term used to denote co-operative and supportive behavior between two or more beings. They will also engage in mutually helping behavior, such as exchange of advice and the sharing of hardship.
A friend is someone who may often demonstrate reciprocating and reflective behaviors. Yet for many, friendship is nothing more than the trust that someone or something will not harm them.

setelah gw membaca ini; gw bahkan ngga percaya kebenaran kalimat2 itu sama sekali; at least until now! coz they hurted me over and over again and even didnt realize bout it. damn it! zut!

teman once again menyakiti gw lagi, ampe kapan sih mau ngelukain gw mulu? ngga bosan huh?
tadi waktu gw jalan pulang bareng temen gw inisial 'sct' , sct dengan santai nya ngomong ke gw, semua gosip2 yang udah dia denger dari semua orang ttg gw! can u imagine it?? geezz!
yohanna is such a perfectionist, such an egois girl, nyari orang kalo lagi butuh aja, de el el.
well, can u see how i really desperate not to continue my degree in this taylors college or should i say hell?

Saturday, July 19, 2008

im back

after awhile, finally gw balik lagi buat nulis2 d blog gw yang udh ampir 1 tahun lebih gw lupain..fiuh...
well, pasti pada heran napa gw bisa mule blogging lagee..
soalnya gw tuh have no idea about what to do for today..

kmrn kamis ce nini udah back for good n i was like 'what??!!! cepet banget sih waktu berlalu?' mana gw kamis kmrn ada kelas kitchen lagi ampe malam getu.. so i couldnt mlepaskan keberangkatan dia.. T.T so sad..
we used to be together for the whole time of my college life and now i am alone with no one besides me and still continue-ing my term 5 and 6..

i should have been stronger!