Friday, December 24, 2010

xmas 2010

Omg its been too long since the last i posted here! It was like 1 year ago when i was in a desperate mode.

One year of my life has been up, right, left and down:
- unemployed for up to 3 months
- being a secretary for 6 months
- and now Im officially a Hotelier and its been running for stressful 3 months *LOL
- and still SINGLE underlined, italic and bold *am i that desperate? Errr since the last 3 stressful months i think i never thought of finding a boyfriend, not even once *boong banget* *kadang2 sih*

Kenapa gw bilang 3 stressful months karena : ternyata kerja di hotel especially front desk / front office itu ga segampang yang di ajar oleh Taylors! and ga seperti yang gw kira selama ini. Its more complicated than i ever thought.

Life is a learning process though.

My weakness should be resolved: PANIC! ancua ini? im panic but my boss asked me not be panic, but hell yeah, panic is my sense of urgency. :P

Merry Xmas friends :*

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